Financial Essentials Course


The course  include 12 lessons covering:

  1. Income and income tax
  2. National Insurance
  3. Budgeting
  4. Borrowing
  5. Interest
  6. Savings accounts
  7. Investments
  8. Pensions
  9. Insurance
  10. Gambling
  11. Essential guide to remote working
  12. Security and fraud

Access is provided for at least 12 months.



In our society today there are more and more things to buy and an increasing number of ways to buy them as technology continues to develop. Many forms of advertising and marketing by companies are designed to tempt us into spending, not just on the things that are essential for our survival, but also the latest ‘must have’ gadgets and fashions.

Although having choice and variety is a good thing, the constant evolvement in how we use money, where we use it and what we use it for, has also enabled criminals to develop a range of scams that can trick us into parting with our money, for nothing in return.

Being able to understand and manage our money and keep it safe is essential to allow us to:

  • Maintain our standard of living
  • Work towards achieving our future plans and dreams
  • Live without financial fears and worries that can be long-lasting and take a serious toll on our physical and mental health

The lessons contain interactive elements to help you understand the topic together with questions throughout so you check your understanding.

On the completion of each lesson there are multiple choice questions to allow you to check your overall understanding and retention of key points of knowledge.

You will get immediate access to all the course lessons as well as any new lessons that are created.

Who is this course for?

You do not need to have any prior qualifications to complete this Financial Essentials course. It has been designed in a non-technical way to help you to understand and manage your money more effectively, by covering a range of topics that are relevant to everyone, regardless of where you live in the UK, your age and whether or not you are currently earning money.


No previous requirements are required. This course will start at the basics and your knowledge will build as you progress through the lessons and sit the tests.