Wellbeing Essentials have launched their Financial Essentials course in response to the Money and Pensions Service (MAPS) work to develop a UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing over the next ten years.

With the awareness that a large percentage of all ages of the UK population struggle daily to manage their money, Wellbeing Essentials have responded with an easy to use and understand online course suitable for all ages. The course provides a ‘foundation’ level understanding of a range of topics including day-to-day budgeting, tax, investing and pensions.

This provision from Wellbeing Essentials ties in closely with the 5-stage UK strategy, aiming to help put those of working age into a position where they can start to save for their futures while giving all adults the knowledge, skills and understanding to plan ahead and make wise financial choices.

We will work with individuals, community organisations and companies to help promote greater physical and mental health for all and will be continuing to build on this initial provision, by developing further courses to cover many other related wellbeing topics.

Visit the shop at WellbeingEssentials.uk

About us

Wellbeing Essentials is part of the Social and Business Community – Wellbeing Essentials, a not for profit organisation.

The aims and objectives of the organisation are to promote and manage community wellbeing initiatives including education, sport, business and other community activities.